Catholic School Council Minutes

Catholic School Council Minutes                                                                              

October 16th, 2023 @6pm                                                       


Tanya Laforest (CSC Chair), Gail Archambault, Pina Lugara, Becky Ranger, Amanda Caesor, Christine Lascelle, Deana Cameron (Teacher), James Malyon (Principal)

Regrets: Louanne Gingras

At the end of the meeting, it was mentioned that Paula Guindon was interested in being a part of CSC.

Welcome and Prayer


Tanya Laforest was named CSC chair

Becky Ranger volunteered to be treasurer

Principal’s Report

Student population is currently at 200 students. St. Andrew’s is becoming known in the community for its success with students with special needs. There is a new classroom this year (2 kindergarten classes)

We are focusing again this year on our Literacy Program.  We are hoping to use Tutors in the Classroom again this year and build on our success from last year. We have collected data to see where students are starting and are intensively targeting phonemic awareness, sound blending and decoding using decodable books.

Community use of schools is operational again and our facility is being used by multiple groups after hours.

Student Mental Health is a huge priority this year.  We are using a program called Spots of Emotion to focus on feelings analysis in young children

Clubs are up and moving this year (drama club, chess club and e-sports)

Eco-Schools is back in earnest this year and we are aiming for platinum. 

Parent Communication

We are streamlining parent communication this year by using the school website.  Some parents are complaining that they are not seeing items on Facebook.  We do not want to use Facebook as a communication tool but rather as a celebration tool.  Parents will comment on items on Facebook and potentially provide other parents with incorrect information.  Facebook will be used to draw attention to events and show what has happened at St. Andrew’s but the monthly newsletter and calendar and the school website will be how we make parents aware of upcoming items.


Money has not been spent from last year’s Gladiator Race

Becky will be given a budget report from the school for the next meeting.

Bake Sale

Halloween Bake sale will happen on the 31st and 1st. JK – 3/4 classes will provide the sweets and we will have another bake sale for Valentine’s Day for the older students to provide the sweets.

New Projects

We discussed the idea of an outdoor classroom – all members will look up what they think this might look like before our next meeting.

Next Meeting

Tuesday, December 5th @6pm